Tag: startseite1

FAU's latest news on the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic for employees, doctoral candidates and students can be found at https://www.verwaltung.zuv.fau.de/verwaltung/personalangelegenheiten/gesundheit/empfehlungen-der-universitaetsleitung-zur-aktuellen-lage-des-coronavirus/english-information-co...

Category: Allgemein

There will be a round table on “culture diversity in physics” on January 29, 2020 at 15:00 in the physics’ group library. Our goal is an exchange on the influence and meaning of cultural variety in the Physics Department. Guests will be Vahid Sandoghdar, Manami Sasaki and Sylvia Viola-Kusminskiy. In order to promote a relaxed atmosphere we also serve coffee and snacks for everyone.

Category: Allgemein, Veranstaltungen

Including 15 January 2020, female Master‘s students of the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering can apply for the next round of the FAU mentoring programme ARIADNETechNat master. Mentoring starts in April 2020 and lasts 9 months. The programme is designed for female Master’s students who are interested in obtaining further academic qualifications.

Category: Allgemein, Forschung

On Thursday, December 5th, 2019 at 8:15pm, the Chair of Laser Physics (Prof. Dr. Hommelhoff) opens it Advent calendar with exciting experiments. We cordially invite to our traditional Christmas Lecture of the Physics in Erlangen! The lecture takes place in lecture hall G; a video stream will be s...

Category: Veranstaltungen

From now until January 15, 2020, female Master‘s students of the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Sciences can apply for the next round of the FAU mentoring programme ARIADNETechNat master. The programme starts in April 2020 and ends in December 2020. The offer is free of charge and designed for high-potential female Master’s students who are interested in obtaining further academic qualifications.

Category: Allgemein, Studium

Thermoelectricity is a physical phenomenon that describes how temperature differences within a solid produce electrical voltages. An illustrative application of this would be, for example, charging a wristwatch by exploiting the temperature difference between wrist and environment. Matthias Popp ...

Category: Allgemein, Forschung

On 21 June, 14:17 Central European Summer Time, when a Proton M rocket launches in the Russian space port of Baikonur to bring the eROSITA X-ray telescope into space on board the SRG satellite, a piece of FAU know-how will also be on board. Astronomers from the Dr. Karl Remeis Observatory at the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) helped develop the telescope with special software for mathematical models. But also during the seven-year mission, the team around Prof. Dr. Jörn Wilms, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, will take over an important part of the analysis of the measurement data collected by eROSITA.

Category: Allgemein, Forschung

The Faculty of Sciences awards a prize to an outstanding young female researcher every year by funding a position for a postdoctoral project or equivalent research project that is particularly worthy of funding. The recipient is awarded staff funding for a position (50% TVL E13) for setting up or ex...

Category: Allgemein, Forschung

New method finds defects in power transistors more accurately, quickly and simply Transistors are needed wherever current flows, and they are an indispensable component of virtually all electronic switches. In the field of power electronics, transistors are used to switch large currents. However, o...

Category: Allgemein, Forschung