Tag: startseite1

FAU team of researchers succeed for the first time in accelerating electrons using a nano device Particle accelerators are crucial tools in a wide variety of areas in industry, research and the medical sector. The space these machines require ranges from a few square meters to large research center...

Category: Allgemein

F1 in schools is the largest technology competition for schools worldwide. Teams of 3-6 students design a miniature car and send it into the race. Similar to the big Formula 1, a comprehensive set of rules must be obeyed. The cars are powered by opening a CO2 cartridge, and the car then races along ...

Category: Allgemein, Schüler

What do the digitization of agriculture, differential equations and electromagnetic radiation have in common? These are three fields of outstanding pre-scientific work with which students from the Nuremberg metropolitan region have won a Dr. Hans Riegel subject prize. A total of 18 papers in the sub...

Category: Allgemein, Schüler, Veranstaltungen

The PHYsics DIversity NEtwork (PHYDINE) aims to highlight, discuss, inform and raise awareness of various aspects of diversity at the Department of Physics across structures and open to all members by building a network. PHYDINE consists of a digital and an analogue level. On the digital level, ther...

Category: Allgemein

With great sadness we learned that our former colleague, Professor Paul Müller, passed away at the age of 74. Paul Müller’s life and career was strongly bound to the Physics Department at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. He studied physics and received his doctorate in Erlangen ...

Category: Allgemein