Information for students
On this page we have compiled information for students of the Department of Physics.
For students of all fields tips for getting started at FAU are accessible.
We try to answer all inquiries within 2 working days. We ask for your understanding if it takes a little longer in some cases. Please note that we may forward your e-mail to the relevant departments (Dean of Studies, Examination Board, Examination Office, Registrar’s Office, Student Advisory Service, etc.). If you do not wish your e-mail to be forwarded, please let us know.
For all current study-related information, including contact persons, FAQs, internships and seminars
please log on to StudOn at Study Service Center.
Documents such as examination regulations, documents relating to Bachelor’s and Master’s theses etc. are compiled in the download area.
Important information events
The welcome event for the first semester students Master Physics will take place on
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 | 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm | Lecture Hall H.
The welcome week for all international students will take place from 7 to 14 April 2025 (programme). For students taking part in the intensive off-term German language course (FIT course) there is a welcome week offered from 04 – 11 March 2025 (programme). Further information can be found on the FAU Support for international students page.
Here are some brief notes on the FAU web platforms:
campo is the FAU campus administration system with course catalogs, module handbooks, examination administration and room allocation plans.
The FAU video portal is the central multimedia platform of the FAU. Here you can find lecture recordings, recordings of events such as UPhUF, Christmas lectures of the Department of Physics, as well as podcasts.
UnivIS is the FAU information system. Here you can find the FAU directory (“telephone book”).
The association “Alumni des Fachbereichs Physik der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V.” is dedicated to maintaining contacts between students and graduates, promoting physics in Erlangen and supporting the Department of Physics. It is open to all graduates and students of the University of Erlangen physics program.
The association promotes contact between physics alumni and maintains the connection between alumni and the department. Students have the opportunity to exchange ideas with alumni in an informal atmosphere and gain an insight into the world of research and industry.
The Alumni Association also supports the Department of Physics by organizing events and, on special occasions, providing financial support.
Last but not least, it provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience between the members themselves as well as with representatives of the alma mater.
The association was founded on 24 May 2007, entered in the Fürth register of associations and recognized as a non-profit organization.
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Referat M1, Alumni-Management
Alumni des Fachbereichs Physik
Schlossplatz 4
91054 Erlangen
Alumni-Flyer with membership application and further information
If you are coming from abroad and are interested in studying at FAU, please refer to this web page .
On the web page on international affairs of the Faculty of Natural Sciences you will find additional information on going abroad during your studies and your way from abroad to study at FAU, as well as information on the buddy programme of the FAU and events for internationals by the Referats für Forschung Internationalisierung (internationalisation research office.)
If you are a German student interested in studying abroad, please refer to the corresponding pages in German .
For general advice and services concerning studying at the FAU please refer to the FAU advice and support services
The Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, mostly known by its abbreviation BAföG or Bafög, is Germany’s Federal Training Assistance Act for students who attend secondary schools and universities. (wikipedia)
If you need a certificate for your Bafög support, please refer to the corresponding pages in German.
The University Library Erlangen-Nürnberg is composed of a main library, several branches and departmental libraries.
The Physics Library is located in the Physikum, Building B2, Room 01.772 (2nd floor). It offers students a variety of quiet work spaces for self-study. There are further work spaces and a reference library one level below. Further information can be found on the University Library website in the section Gruppenbibliothek Physik.
As it is not uncommon that pupils entering the FAU to study physics do not have the knowledge of physics and mathematics that is required as fundamental prerequisite for the lectures, the department of physics offers course to bridge such gaps.
As the prime target audience for this offer are pupils graduation from a German high school, this “Brückenkurs” is only offered in German.
The CIP pool is located next to the rooms of the advanced practical course on the 1st floor of building B2, entrance 00.724 (directly in front of the passage to the lecture halls). It offers 50 workstations running common standard software (LibreOffice, Firefox), data analysis software, LaTeX, computer algebra systems (Mathematica, Maple) and development tools (gcc, Matlab, Octave etc.). Current information can be found in the CIP wiki:
Contact persons can be reached via
Documents such as examination regulations, documents relating to Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, templates for theses and dissertations, etc. can be found in the download area.
Information about the electronics lab, its contents and equipment can be found directly on the pages of the electronics lab.
Outside regular teaching hours, the Electronics lab can be used as an Experimental Service Center (ESC). The ESC invites you to conduct your own experiments and enhance your knowledge. The laboratory equipment as well as the PCs with scientific software are available for prototype set-ups and measurements as part of Bachelor’s/Master’s or doctoral theses, evaluation of (lab course) experiments or for your own projects.
The prerequisite for using the ESC is participation in the electronics lab course (usually in the 4th semester) or proof of adequate knowledge of electronics.
Information on applying for keycard access and using the ESC can be found on the Electronics Internship pages at Experimental Service Center (ESC).
The Bavarian law governing universities obliges them to monitor the quality of their teaching. The Department of Physics has been carrying out lecture evaluations for years, providing lecturers with necessary and helpful feedback to improve their lectures and courses. A comparison of the evaluations of all compulsory lectures (2019-2023) can be found (in German) at Evaluation Physik 2019-2023.
During the lecture, participants will receive a randomly selected TAN, which is required to log in to the Evasys survey website. The survey is conducted completely anonymously. The evaluations of the survey are only accessible to the respective lecturer and the Dean of Studies.
Here you can find the
evaluation web page (TAN required).
The survey deadline is typically 2 weeks before the end of the lecture period. Responsible for coordinating the evaluation is the Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. Vojislav Krstic
Professorship in Applied Physics
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-28431
- Email:
The FSI Math/Physics/DataScience consists of volunteer students from all semesters.
The FSI can provide you with a lot of helpful information on various topics related to university life, such as
- Activities of the FSI
The FSI is always happy to hear from interested people who would like to expand and support the team with their commitment.
Just come to one of the meetings every Wednesday or write an e-mail to (
Please refer to the web page of the
Examinations office of the Faculty of Sciences
for general information.
The contact person for physics programmes is listed under
Physics/modular programmes in physics.
Students studying towards a degree in physics are eligible to apply for a keycard access for the outside doors of the Physikum and to the seminar rooms. Please come to the SSC Physics office with the completed application form , your FAUcard and a valid photo ID during opening hours.
The house rules of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg are to be observed and complied with.
Loss of FAUcard
A lost or stolen FAUcard can be misused for unauthorized access to rooms. The legitimate card holder will be registered in the access log files. Therefore, in case of loss, the FAUcard must be blocked immediately via the IdM portal or by email to