Condensed Matter Phyics
Condensed Matter Physics
- Chair of Applied Phycis
- Head: Prof. H. Weber
- Research group Prof. V. Krstić
- Chair of Solid State Physics
- Head: Prof. Th. Fauster
- Research group Prof. M.A. Schneider
- Chair of Crystallography and Structural Physics
- Research group Prof. R. Hock
- Research group Prof. R. Neder
- Research group Prof. T. Unruh
- Chair of Laser Physics
- Head: Prof. P. Hommelhoff
- Research group apl. Prof. M. Hundhausen
- Research group apl. Prof. J. Ristein
- Chair of Experimental Physics
- Head: Prof. J. Maultzsch
- Research group Prof. S. Maier
- Chair of Biophysics
- Head: Prof. B. Fabry
- Research group Prof. W.H. Goldmann
- Research group Max-Schaldach-Stiftungsprofessur: Prof. B. Hensel
- Research group Prof. A. Magerl