Elite Graduate Program
Elite Graduate Program
For historical reasons, the research degree program has multiple designations, each used to emphasize various points. Here is a (somewhat incomplete) list translated from the German labels:
- Research degree program: this is how it is referred to by participants and responsible parties;
- Physics elite graduate program with integrated Ph.D.’s lectures: Under this official name, the degree program is supported by the Bavarian Ministry;
- Accelerated procedure: this denomination is commonly used by the examination office;
- Integrated degree program: This is how it is referred to by the examination regulations;
- Highly skilled degree program: A synonym, that avoids the “elite” concept;
- Advanced Physics: This is the English term.
The elite graduate program was created in 2004 by the FAU (management) and the University of Regensburg in the Elite Bavarian Network frame to guide capable and willing students in a shorter time to their Diploma certificate. This concept was carried into the Bachelor and Master- time frame. It focuses, however, not so much on the time, but on the approach towards research.
The program starts in the 3rd-course semester with special, in-depth modules in the study plan, including integrated courses (organized by experimental physics and theory academics), research projects and study days. The number of the earned ECTS points per semester is higher than in the regular Bachelor/Master study course so that the overall study time will be shortened from 8 to 2 semesters. This study course should lead directly to a Ph.D.
The course of study is organized along with the University of Regensburg, with a lively exchange between the two universities. Living accommodations are available for long-term stays. Further details can be found under the course of study website.
Acceptance into the advanced physics program is normally carried out in the third or fourth semester. The selection of the candidates shall be carried out in accordance with the previous academic achievements and on the basis of a selection interview. Details (for example application deadlines) can be found also on the course of study website.
The application makes sense if you have achieved some of the very best grades among all of your classmates, you have successfully completed the modules of the two first semesters, and if you are ready to engage in the following semesters in a high effort and level of work in your physics studies.
You have the freedom, without losing any time and without restrictions to the quality of your education, to go back to the regular course of study after each semester. The crediting of the acquired modules during the advanced course of study will be included according to the examination office. This process will not be documented in your certificates.
You will earn the certificate of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Physics, according to the plan after 6 semesters, and the certificate of Master of Science (M.Sc.) in physics after approximately 8 semesters.