Department of Physics
The department supports research and is responsible for teaching physics. It houses 22 chairs with a total of 43 professors, about 260 employees and 750 students (as of summer 2024) are working and studying at the department. The physics department is part of the faculty of sciences at FAU.
The chairs and research groups can be assigned to the following areas:
Chair for Astroparticle Physics:
- Head: Prof. Dr. Uli Katz
- Research group Prof. Dr. Christopher van Eldik
Chair for Physics:
- Head: Prof. Dr. Stefan Funk
Chair for Astro- and Astroparticle Physics:
- Head: Prof. Dr. Claudio Kopper
Professorship for Experimental Astroparticle Physics, in particular Radion Detection of Neutrinos:
- Research group Prof. Dr. Anna Nelles
Astronomical Institut / Dr. Karl-Remeis-Observatory:
Chair for Astronomy
- Head: Prof. Dr. Jörn Wilms
- Research group Prof. Dr. Ulrich Heber
- Research group Prof. Dr. Manami Sasaki
Chair for Applied Physics:
- Head: Prof. Dr. Heiko B. Weber
- Research group Prof. Dr. Vojislav Krstic
Chair for Experimental Physics:
- Head: Prof. Dr. Janina Maultzsch
- Research group Prof. Dr. Sabine Maier
Chair for Solid State Physics:
- Head: Thomas Fauster
- Research group Prof. Dr. M. Alexander Schneider
Chair for Crystallography and Structural Physics:
- Research group Prof. Dr. Rainer Hock
- Research group Prof. Dr. Reinhard Neder
- Research group Prof. Dr. Tobias Unruh
Chair for Laserphysics:
Chair for Experimental Physics:
- Head: Prof. Dr. Christopher Eichler
- Research group Prof. Dr. Maria Chekhova
- Research group apl. Prof. Dr. Norbert Lindlein
Chair for Optical Quantum Technologies:
Professorship for Experimental Physics
Chair for Nanooptics, Plasmonics, and Biophotonics:
- Head: Prof. Dr. Vahid Sandoghdar
- Research group Prof. Dr. Stephan Götzinger
Chair for Experimental Physics:
- Head: N.N.
- Research group Prof. Dr. Nicolas Joly
Chair for Biophysics:
- Head: Prof. Dr. Ben Fabry
Max-Schaldach endowed professorship:
- Research group Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hensel
Chair for Biological Optomechanics:
- Head: Prof. Dr. Jochen Guck
Chair for Biophysics:
- Head: Prof. Dr. Benoit Ladoux
Professorship for Theoretical Physics:
- Research group Prof. Dr. Ana-Suncana Smith
Chair for Theoretical Physics I
- Head: Prof. Dr. Klaus Mecke
- Research group Prof. Dr. Michael Schmiedeberg
Chair for Theoretical Physics II
- Head: Prof. Dr. Michael J. Hartmann
- Research group Prof. Dr. Daniel Burgarth
Chair for Theoretical Physics III
- Head: Prof. Dr. Thomas Thiemann
- Research group Prof. Dr. Kristina Giesel
- Research group Prof. Dr. Hanno Sahlmann
Chair for Theoretical Solid State Physics
- Head: N.N.
- Research group Prof. Dr. Philipp Hansmann
Chair for Theoretical Physics V
Max-Planck Institut for the Science of Light
- Division Prof. Dr. Florian Marquardt
- Research group Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Meyn
The department of physics has strong ties with the neighbouring Max-Planck-Institut for the Science of Light (established 2009).