Academic Graduation Ceremony

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On April 26, 2024, our graduates and doctoral candidates from the previous academic year will be bid farewell at a ceremony. In addition, the Ohm Awards of the Department of Physics for the promotion of young scientists for outstanding theses will be presented.

This year’s keynote speech “Auf Entdeckungsreise durch das unsichtbare Universum: Astroteilchenphysik mit hochenergetischen Neutrinos” (in German) will be given by Prof. Dr. Claudio Kopper from the Chair of Experimental Astroparticle Physics.

Afterwards, there will be an opportunity for discussions in a relaxed atmosphere at a reception and an opportunity to raise a glass to the graduations.

Date: 26.04.2024

Time: 17:00

Venue: Lecture hall G of the Physikum, Staudtstraße 5, 91058 Erlangen